Frequently Asked Questions

Clarity on what you will like to work on in the session., is helpful. It gives us more time for the actual work. If you have many
things you’d like to work on, begin with what is most important at the time. Have a good amount of fluids so you are well hydrated. 



The session can be useful for any situation in life where you want your experience to be different than what it is currently for you.

It can be in your personal or professional life – a event that has caused you trauma, problems where you will like clarity on to make a choice, situations where you will like yourself to respond differently, a health concern, anywhere you feel stuck in moving forward.


The first session will give you a good picture of the progress and how many sessions may be needed.

Usually 4 to 6 sessions have proven sufficient; but there can be no defined number. Each person is different. It greatly depends on the person’s comfort pace with change.

Yes, you’d immediately notice changes in the way you think and respond in context of the matter you have brought forward.

A session is all about you. Anuradda will create a relaxed and trusting space where you’d be able bring forth your concerns and desire. She will then work with you to get to the bottom of what is causing this, and what is required… then do the needful to resolve it. This is mostly done through conversations and some simple exercises meant to align you with your self. Immediate effects are noticed by people, by a sense of lightness, change in how they feel about the issue.

You are fully conscious and participating in the process. The entire work is interactive. 

The sessions are done in English. Sessions for international non- English speaking clients are done through translators.


Fill in below details so we could contact you back for further details and a a little chit-chat.